The Results
Answered 106-140 Questions Correctly
Congrats! You should be feeling in sync and confident in your relationship. You have open communication with your partner on topics that matter, not just what movie to watch on Netflix. If you answered 106-140 questions correctly, you and your partner are more than ready for a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement. Even though you both are feeling strong in the relationship, a prenup or postnup can help solidify your financial plans for your marriage.
Answered 71-105 Questions Correctly
You and your partner have a solid understanding of each other, but you may want to consider having some of those more challenging conversations. Not sure where to begin? Neptune helps couples build their financial plan for their marriage aka a prenup or postnup. Our chat experience + vetted attorneys are here to help you on your journey.
Answered 36-70 Questions Correctly
No need to panic. If you knew the answers to 36-70 questions that indicates that there is still a lot to learn about your partner. Your best approach could be to start with a mediation session. The sessions will help you understand your partner more than ever, leaving you both feeling validated and heard in the relationship. Work with vetted mediators through the Neptune platform.
Answered 0-35 Questions Correctly
While you may be feeling a little insecure about your relationship, it’s essential to know that all couples go through this phase. Yet, with time and dedication, relationships can flourish. If you and your partner find yourselves stuck...start with a mediation session. Your mediator can help you and your partner find common ground.