Relationship Quiz

How well do you know your partner?
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The Quiz

Beliefs and Values

1. Could you describe your partner’s philosophies about life?
2. What past experiences have shaped your partner’s values?
3. Do you share religious beliefs?
4. Did your partner have a religious upbringing?
5. What is your partner’s general attitude towards life? Positive? Cynical?
6. Is there an event that changed the course of your partner’s life?
7. What historical event would your partner change if they could?
8. Can you name your partner’s top three values?
9. How would your partner like to be remembered?
10. Is there something about your partner that only you know?
11. How does your partner view forgiveness?
12. Does your partner believe more in fate or free will?
13. Which traditions matter most to your partner?
14. How does your partner approach moral dilemmas?
15. Is your partner spiritual or religious?
16. Which cause ignites your partner's passion the most?
17. What are your partner's views on community service and giving back?
18. Does your partner prefer taking risks or playing it safe?
19. What does your partner consider the key to happiness?
20. How does your partner measure success?
21. Which cultural values resonate most with your partner?
22. What does marriage mean to your partner?
23. What is your partner’s approach to conflict resolution?
24. How does your partner see their purpose in the world?
25. Does your partner believe people can change, and why?
26. What's the most valuable lesson your partner has learned in life?
27. Does your partner value money or relationships more?
28. What is your partner’s deepest fear?

Work and Money

29. What was your partner’s first job?
30. Is your partner happy in their career?
31. Does your partner prefer a minimalist or luxurious lifestyle?
32. What is your partner’s annual salary?
33. Can your partner manage a budget?
34. Is your partner a spendthrift or a saver?
35. What plans does your partner have for retirement?
36. What does your partner consider to be the best thing about their job?
37. What is the worst thing about their job?
38. What actions does your partner take to pursue their goals?
39. Does your partner feel satisfied with their current work-life balance?
40. What motivates your partner to work hard?
41. What is your partner’s dream job or career?
42. How does your partner feel about changing careers?
43. Does your partner believe in budgeting, or are they more spontaneous with money?
44. What would your partner do if they were financially free?
45. How does your partner approach debt and savings?
46. Has your partner ever had a significant career failure or setback, and how did they recover?
47. Does your partner prefer to work independently or in a team?
48. What professional skill does your partner wish to improve?
49. How does your partner manage stress at work?
50. What does your partner consider a fair division of financial responsibilities in a relationship?
51. Is your partner more focused on short-term goals or long-term financial planning?
52. How does your partner feel about investing money?
53. Does your partner view their career as a job, a passion, or a means to an end?
54. Does your partner value money or relationships more?

Family and Home

55. How many children does your partner want to have?
56. Does your partner want to have a family?
57. Is your partner closer to their mother or father?
58. Which parent does your partner resemble most?
59. How many siblings does your partner have?
60. Name your partner’s siblings.
61. How long have your partner’s parents been married?
62. What were your partner’s parents’ jobs?
63. Does your partner have a good relationship with their parents?
64. Does your partner know the maiden name of your mother?

Interests and Favorites

65. What is your partner’s favorite book?
66. Who is their favorite actor?
67. What is your partner’s favorite film genre?
68. Does your partner enjoy camping and the Great Outdoors?
69. What is your partner’s favorite color?
70. Does your partner have a favorite childhood story?
71. What was your partner’s favorite childhood television program?
72. What are their favorite pizza toppings?
73. Which band is your partner’s favorite?
74. Does your partner enjoy spicy food?
75. What is your partner’s favorite animal?
76. Which superpower would they choose to have?
77. What does your partner do to relax?

Personality and Habits

78. Is your partner a procrastinator, or do they work steadily towards their goals?
79. Is your partner a people person?
80. Would your partner call themselves an extrovert or introvert?
81. Does your partner sing in the shower?
82. Is your partner argumentative?
83. Is your partner easily jealous?
84. Does your partner snore?
85. Is your partner tech-savvy, or would they call in a professional for help?
86. Would you describe your partner as humble or egotistical?
87. Morning person or night owl?
88. Is your partner an effective communicator?
89. What signals does your partner send out when they’re angry?

Affection and Sex

90. Do you know what turns on your partner?
91. Outside of sex, would your partner say you have an intimate relationship?
92. Does your partner take pride in the things they do?
93. Would your partner say that romance is still alive and well in your relationship?
94. What physical qualities do they find most attractive about you?
95. What gestures make your partner feel special and loved?
96. Does your partner think of you when you’re apart?
97. Could your partner tell the moment you fell in love with them?
98. What one thing would immediately end the relationship?
99. What is your favorite thing to do together?

Miscellaneous Questions

100. What signs let you know that your partner’s having a bad day?
101. Does your partner have your picture in their wallet?
102. Do you know your partner’s goals for your relationship?
103. What are your pet names? How did they come about?
104. What tactics does your partner use to manage their anger?
105. Where is the worst place they’ve traveled?
106. How many countries has your partner visited?
107. Has your partner ever performed in front of an audience?
108. Can your partner dance?
109. Does your partner have any birthmarks? Where?
110. What issue was your partner addressing at their last doctor visit?
111. Can they name your favorite restaurant?
112. Where is your partner’s safe place?
113. What is your partner’s fondest memory from childhood?
114. What flowers would they bring if you requested your favorite?
115. Does your partner have many close friends?
116. Could they name your favorite superhero?
117. Does your partner prefer solo travel or traveling with groups?
118. Would they choose vanilla over chocolate?
119. What does your partner like to eat in movie theaters?
120. Do they prefer dogs or cats?
121. Does your partner think that pineapple belongs on pizza?
121. What is your partner’s morning habit?
122. Has your partner ever quit a job?
123. Which household chore does your partner like the least?
124. Could your partner describe the type of student you were?
125. Could they name your eye color without looking?
126. What would be the first item purchased if your partner won the lottery?
127. Can your partner swim?
128. Does your partner have a good relationship with their parents?
129. Which member of the couple eats more?
130. What gestures make your partner feel special and loved?
131. Can your partner service a car or change a tire?
132. Has your partner ever caught you in a lie?
133. What does your partner consider the best gift you ever gave them?
134. Could your partner name your first pet?
135. Does your partner enjoy reading newspapers?
136. Could they recite your car license number?
137. What is your partner’s idea of the perfect date?
138. Does your partner have a controlling personality?
139. What is their favorite cleaning product?
140. What makes your partner cry?

The Results

Answered 106-140 Questions Correctly
Congrats! You should be feeling in sync and confident in your relationship. You have open communication with your partner on topics that matter, not just what movie to watch on Netflix. If you answered 106-140 questions correctly, you and your partner are more than ready for a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement. Even though you both are feeling strong in the relationship, a prenup or postnup can help solidify your financial plans for your marriage.

Answered  71-105 Questions Correctly
You and your partner have a solid understanding of each other, but you may want to consider having some of those more challenging conversations. Not sure where to begin? Neptune helps couples build their financial plan for their marriage aka a prenup or postnup. Our chat experience + vetted attorneys are here to help you on your journey.

Answered 36-70 Questions Correctly
No need to panic. If you knew the answers to 36-70 questions that indicates that there is still a lot to learn about your partner. Your best approach could be to start with a mediation session. The sessions will help you understand your partner more than ever, leaving you both feeling validated and heard in the relationship. Work with vetted mediators through the Neptune platform.

Answered 0-35 Questions Correctly
While you may be feeling a little insecure about your relationship, it’s essential to know that all couples go through this phase. Yet, with time and dedication, relationships can flourish. If you and your partner find yourselves stuck...start with a mediation session. Your mediator can help you and your partner find common ground.

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